Monday, December 20, 2021

Ellen Hutson 12 Days of Tags


Anyone else going through withdrawals from Tracey's annual 25 Days of Christmas Tags?  I certainly am but the silver lining is that I now have the motivation to play along with Ellen Hutson's 12 Days of Tags.  Each day they provide a holiday song along with DT inspiration from which to create our tags.  

Here are my twelve tags along with the song that inspired them...

Day 1 - Christmas in a Coffee Shop

Day 2 - Puppy for Hanukkah

Day 3 - Feliz Navidad

Day 4 - Let It Snow

Day 5 - I'll Be Home for Christmas

Day 6 - Jingle Bells

Day 7 - Santa Claus is Coming to Town

Day 8 - Sleigh Ride

Day 9 - Deck the Halls

Day 10 - Twelve Days of Christmas

Day 11 - Oh Christmas Tree

Day 12 - Holly Jolly Christmas

Things are pretty busy around here so I kept this post short.  If you have any questions as to what products I used (I tried to use items from Ellen Hutson's line whenever possible) please drop me a line in the comments.  

I hope you all have a wonderful holiday season!

Continue to stay safe and healthy my friends.   _____________________________________________________________________________

Thank you for visiting my little crevice of the crafty blogosphere.  Your time, comments and friendship are much appreciated.  

Happy Crafting!



  1. Wow, just wow! I am speechless at your creativity Jules! An amazing gallery of tags. Wishing you and yours a merry Christmas :) Vicky x

  2. Nicely done! I definitely missed the daily tag-making fun, too. These are all great fun!
